Jesus is the Way!

Let us help shine the light of the gospel on that way as we travel together.

About Us

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We can't wait to worship with you!

Thinking about visiting Lighthouse United Pentecostal Church? Please take a moment to fill out our Guest Welcome Card so we can get to know you ahead of time!

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Welcome to The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is a group of people dedicated to serving the Lord and community together!

We are a family - not because we are held together by our ethnicity, our education, our backgrounds, our income, or our political viewpoints. We are a FAMILY because of Jesus!

We are a community-focused, growing group of believers that God is blessing. We love to worship exuberantly, and our love for him is real! You will feel right at home and experience the Power of God throughout a service of joyous singing, preaching, prayer, and fellowship one with another.


Through powerful worship, anointed singing and preaching, and life-changing prayer | Connections are Born.

Growth is the mark of a healthy life. At The Lighthouse, classes and teaching resources structured for you help you succeed in growth through the journey.

Unlock your potential and find where you fit in God's plan as you go. Every piece fit together brings the complete picture of the puzzle to light. We serve through going!

Our Mission

We exist to help people get connected in a deepened relationship with Christ. In that, they become passionate worshipers who are born again and striving to help others do the same thing.


The scripture directs us to exhort one another every day to come together as a community where He will dwell in the midst of them. Our prayer is that this community will recognize Him more every day through the actions of each individual coming together in His name.


What we believe is the foundation for all we do cooperatively as a community of believers and individually in our personal lives. Beliefs lead to values, and values are demonstrated through action. We want to help strengthen your belief in Christ so your values and actions can be in line with what the Bible teaches.


"The Gospel" is often called the good news. "Good News" because it informs us that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the grave. We, scripturally, obey the gospel (See II Thessalonians 1:8 and I Peter 4:17) by repentance (death to sin), water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ (burial), and the receiving of the gift of the Holy Ghost (resurrection).
(See I Corinthians 15:1-4, Acts 2:4, Acts 2:37-39, Romans 6:3-4.)


Meet Our Team

Our dedicated team of pastors and more are here to welcome you and help strengthen your faith!

"Join us in praying the intention of Christ; Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in Houghton County, as it is in Heaven."

-Matthew 6:10 KJV

Physical Address

1116 E. Atlantic St., Hancock, MI 49930

Mailing Address



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